Business Strengths Interview Support
Helpful information to support you in the Business Strengths Interview can be found here.
What is the Business Strengths Interview?
The Business Interview is usually held face to face with a Manager from the Consulting or Technology business areas or an experienced recruiter. The interview is made up of two parts. The first part will be an opportunity for you to share your ideas about innovative technology as well as showcase your own skills and strengths. Before the interview you will be asked to prepare some discussion points around how Accenture uses innovative technology with clients which you will share with your interviewer, who will follow up with some questions to explore the topic further. In the second part of your interview, your interviewer will also use a strength based approach to identify what you enjoy, your natural strengths and what motivates you. The interview will usually last between 45-55 minutes.
How can I prepare for my Business Strengths Interview?
You will be sent full details on how to prepare for the technology discussion part of your interview prior to your interview and we will share some links you may want to use in your research.
For the strengths based part of your interview, you do not necessarily need to prepare as we are interested in your natural strengths and interests, however you may find it useful to research the strengths based interview approach prior to your interview so that you are comfortable with the type of questions we may ask
What are you looking for during the interview?
We have defined a framework of skills and strengths that we consider essential to be successful at Accenture. This framework covers a breadth of strengths from ways of working to interest in business and technology. Our assessment process is designed to evaluate these strengths and therefore identify whether Accenture can offer you a role where you thrive.
Can I have my interview online?
We would like to meet you face to face for this stage of the assessment journey. However, if your circumstances may make it difficult to attend a specific location, please contact us at to discuss.
Can I use Gen AI to prepare for my interview?
For the technology discussion part of the interview, you may find it useful to use GenAI for your research. However, we would strongly recommend that you use a number of different sources, check for validity of the information, and be prepared to discuss how you use GenAI with your interview to get the best results.
When will my Strengths Based Interview be?
You will receive an invite to schedule your Business Interview so that you can choose a time and date convenient to you. We would recommend that you schedule your interview at your earliest convenience as our start dates and programmes fill up very quickly.
I need adjustments, who can I talk to?
Please email and a recruiter will be in touch.
When will I hear back following my Business Interview?
This is an extremely busy time for recruitment, so please be patient and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible!
Will I need to attend further interviews?
Some of our graduate programmes require a further technical interview. If you are applying to Strategy, Analytics, Data & AI, Digital Engineering & Manufacturing or Modern Engineering, if you are successful at Business Interview, you will be invited to further technical interviews.